Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Roofing Supply

In the USA, the roof production and supply industry is one of the largest in the world. There are 67, 169 businesses, employing about 201, 900 employees, with a combined annual revenue of about $35 billion and a market growth of about 1.8% annually.
Every year, we as the Seattle Roofing Supplies fit a significant chunk of the more than 7 million new roofs installed around the country. The past decade has seen a tripling in the number of homes with metal roofs. The metal roofing industry alone is worth more than $13 billion in which we have cut our niche as premier stockists and supplier.

roof supply company

 Roofing Supplies
At the Seattle Cedar Supply we have an extensive understanding of our market. From Eaglemount in the west to Gold Bar in the East we have installed hundreds of homes with both metal roofs, cedar roofs and PVC rooftops. We started cedar roofing supplies in 2004. Since then, we've ventured out into other roofing material supplies. We also provide crane services as part of our value add to clients.
One of the remarkable parts of our history is when we moved into specialty roofing services. We have a broad range of specialty roofing materials as well as roof fitting facilities for all kinds of homes. Roofing needs vary from client to client based on the size of the home, income, age, neighborhood, preferences as well as the type of home that they have.

 Roofing Materials  
We may have started with cedar (both treated and untreated) but over time we have improved our speciality in the other major roofing designs and materials. Some of the roofing materials that we have built our expertise in are:
TPO & PVC Roof Systems: We have created a new form of PCV that has an added flexibility and protection from seasonal climate changes. We stock them in some colors, widths, thicknesses and reinforcements. PVC tends to be eco-friendly and reflective/UV resistant.
Metal Roofing Panels: We have the best metal roofing panels in the country. Our metal roofing variety comes in about seven different models.
Custom Flashing: We have the means to add an extra layer of custom flashing using all types of metals including lead, aluminum, copper, stainless steel, zinc alloy, other architectural metals or a metal with a coating material
Custom Drip Edge: We have about 14 different colors of custom drip edges, from any of the top three producers of custom drip edge i.e. Oatey, Suntop and Master Flow. We can work using aluminum, plastic, rubber, galvanized steel, and metal.
PVC Flashing: We stock this non-reinforced polyvinylchloride sheet that is impermeable to water and doesn’t stretch at room temperature. The rolls and tapes are made of an elastomeric material which has been turned into a thermoplastic, continuous sheet.
Cedar Shingles: Our cedars are well milled and provide a very refined appearance which makes them suited for4 a wide range of appearance. They have always been the siding of choice for most of our clients over the past 12 years. This sophisticated and refined look makes them more appealing and favorite for many homes around the area.

 Quality and Creativity
Either way, all homes require some degree of improvisation and creativity to be able to install the best roofing that will guarantee quality and durability. When it comes to cedar, we can provide a variety of roofing needs including but not limited to a vast collection of premium-grade shakes and shingles.
We also have 50-year warranty on pre-treated shakes and shingles and natural untreated roofing system. For a 100sq ft housing you can get the best roofing materials $2250. Our diversity and continued rolling of new products are but steps to ensure that you, the customer, get nothing short of the best.

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