Friday, August 26, 2016

All About Metal Roofing Panels

Replacing your roofing rarely happens; the exact reason why it would be in your best interest to make the most out of it when it actually does happen. When it comes to roofing, you definitely have a wide array of materials, products, brands and quality on the market to choose from. While this is a good thing, it provides a challenge, more so for new homeowners looking to build from scratch. Where can I get the best roof? Which is the right type of roofing to invest in? How much does it cost? 

Well, these are just some of the common questions asked by most property owners and for good reason. The bottom line is that you eventually want an all-rounded product that is aesthetically pleasing of course, with energy efficient abilities among other great features. While some have chosen to stick with conventional roofing, others have embraced the technological leaps made and opted for better, efficient materials such as metal roofing panels. 

metal roof panels

Why are Metal Roofing Panels Creating All the Buzz? 

It goes without saying that the main edge metal roofing have over other materials is their durable nature. That aside, these products have a lot going for them in regards to the aesthetic appeal, – which is a paramount aspect of course – efficiency and cost. To put this into perspective, lets have a look at the main benefits of metal roofing panels. 

Durability – as mentioned above, few roof can offer the longevity delivered by roofing metal panels. They are sturdy, firm and really solid meaning you never have to fret over the roof caving in at some point due to rot for instance or perhaps, termite infestations – at least not for a hundred years or so. Well, if durability ranks high on your list of priorities, these products are your safest bet and at first glance, you should be able to tell that they are quite special in regards to this front. 

Appeal and Variety – in most cases, the allure of a roof will eventually lead you to the prospective product, which is why metal roofing panels adopt superior design and craftsmanship. That’s not the best part, though. It is worth noting that metal roof come in an infinite array of colors. In short, there is something for everybody and it shouldn't be that hard to find one that tickles your fancy. 

Value – you probably thought that the 100 years of service was a joke; it wasn’t. Basically, expect the standard aluminum shingles to serve you anywhere between 40 to 50 years. Shocked? Well, copper roofing will last a life time, going by the manufacturers claim of a 100 years lifespan. If this doesn’t reflect great value for money, then I don’t know what does. Even in today’s volatile market, few products can really offer lifetime service.

Cost and Energy Efficient – energy and cost are intertwined in more ways than you can imagine. Chances are, the highest bill in your mailbox is energy-related. The script can be flipped by simply adopting a few innovative measures such as investing in metal roofing panels for your property. A properly insulated metal roof should keep you significantly warm during the cold winter seasons and on the flip side, keep you cool during summer thanks to its reflective design. 

In Conclusion:
Of course, metal roofing panels aren’t perfect and their greatest undoing has to be their noisiness. However, few roof can actually match up to metal roofing panels. They are extremely sturdy, meaning regardless of how harsh the climate may be in your region, these roof should go a long way in providing shelter for your beloved through their lifetime. More importantly, though, procure the products at authorized dealers such as Seattle Cedar Supply.

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